

Duux focuses on the design, development and production of various air treatment products. The mission is to provide the best possible indoor air quality to improve the well-being of customers. The striking, functional and effective products are sold at Coolblue, BCC and Mediamarkt.

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Duux has a rapidly growing product range. Therefore, a system had to be implemented to manage product information effectively, both now and with an eye to the future.

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Akeneo PIM was used to manage product information efficiently. Product models and the completeness tool were used.

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Product Models

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Product Exports

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Completeness Tool

Duux design
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In the past, Duux used programs such as Dropbox and Excel to manage product information. With the expansion of the product range, managing products in these systems became difficult and time-consuming.

After researching possible PIM solutions, the Duux team chose Akeneo PIM. This system had to be set up in such a way that the information could be transferred to their own webshop and to the webshops of third parties, such as Mediamarkt and Bol.com.

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The Solution

In cooperation with Duux, we took a close look at the product information management processes. We looked at the current processes as well as at future plans. Next, Akeneo was set up in such a way that it can easily be linked to multiple channels in the future, such as third-party web shops and marketplaces.

  • Product Models

    A product model is an umbrella product of which several variants may exist, e.g. colour, size, or type of plug.

    In Akeneo these variants can be linked to one main product. This way the information management remains centralised in one place. This is easier, more efficient and less error-prone than when all variants are managed separately.

  • Completeness Tool

    The completeness tool is used to ensure all product information is always complete.

    This means that a message is sent when product information is missing. This is especially important for Duux when exporting information to third parties such as Bol.com or Media Markt.

  • Exports

    In Akeneo product information can be exported and be forwarded to sales channels.

    The exports are possible in several file formats, such as CSV, XML and XLSX. Because of these possibilities, Duux can make exports for all parties through whom they sell their products.

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With the implementation of Akeneo, Duux has a robust and future-proof product information management system, with which they can continue to grow in the coming years. Because of the central management, a lot of time is saved and errors in product information are prevented. 

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